Millennium Philcon
Or- The Too Short Con
Long story short- it was an interesting bounce about to get to this con. You can read about my Flights from Hell here.
I arrived at the con at about 2pm on Friday. I need to learn to pack lighter. Or carry fewer tshirts on
a two con tour.
I took the subway from the airport to the city
center; and the convention center literally sits right over
the subway stop. But it's like FIVE FLOORS over the
the subway stop- I was pretty dragged out by the time I got
up to the con.
It's really strange. All the subways have escalators
going up- but none going down. So, getting the luggage on
the subway was a real challenge- but getting stuff off wasn't
quite so bad (other than trying to find the way upstairs).
I made it into the main hallway; just as Todd
found me (I stayed with Todd and Becca during the con).
We got me registered, then went to find the filk area and
find out when/where WorlDream programming was going to be.
And we went with the luggage- cuz I was carrying stuph
for people and I was darned well not going to carry it farther
than I had to by this point...
On our way to the filk room, I caught Todd and
Becca up on the travel carnival I'd just recently completed.
I met up with Dave Weingart; UberFilkenProgrammeister (can you tell I'm getting ready to go to Germany?).
He told me to relax, the WorlDream rehearsal wasn't until
later that evening, and the recording was at 4:30pm the next
Went to find the consuite, I needed tea.
Talked with Valerie Housden for a bit- noting that she's just
as daft as I am (she was at HarmUni last weekend, too).
Becca and I made our way back to the filk room to catch concerts
by Valerie, Daniel and Melissa Glasser, and Bill and Brenda
Sutton. Todd showed up from the Art stuff; and we went to
You know, I never realized that Philadelphia
was a seaport. It never seemed like it to me- but they have
restaurants like they're a seaport. I had sea scallops grilled
in garlic... MMMM!!! Todd had... shark. You know, I never
thought that shark would be that edible, but WOW! :) A great
time was had! :)
We made our way back to the convention center;
and I made it back to the filk room just in time to find that...
it wasn't a filk room any more. And my stuph what I had left
there wasn't there no more, either... and I had a rehearsal
to run in an hour...
A quick walk down to ops fixed that. I was a
bit early for the rehearsal, and there was an open circle
starting; so I planted in the circle with every intention
of returning later.
After playing a song or two, and tuning (yes,
in that order), I gathered copies of the song lyrics, and made my way
over to the room where we would rehearse.
The rehearsal itself was rather unusual. Normally,
about 10 to 15 show up, and we have a good time for a half
hour or 45 minutes going through the various tortures of scansion
that I inflict on everyone. I try to make the rehearsals entertaining,
and I've noticed over the last month or so that people who
already *well* know the song have been coming to the rehearsals
as well.
Well, this time, we started with about 5. Not
a problem- I figured that most of the folkx who were at Worldcon
have done the song enough to be comfortable at the recording.
But people kept trickling in throughout the hour. More people...
and more... we ended with about 30. The highlight of the session
was the last time through the song; we circled round and sang
it to each other. *shivver!* :) It looked like we were
going to have another good chorus. :)
So, after the rehearsal; I went back to the
room where the open circle was; only to discover that it was
no longer an open circle. Three
Wierd Sisters had moved into another room; and since I'm
a shameless fan and camp follower of them; I figured I would
move, too.
However, this also involved moving the Mountain
Of Luggage(tm). And since I hadn't had sleep in far, far,
far too long (going on 44 hours, now...) I figured that I
would get my Stuff up to the room and come back down and filk
later. Melissa Glasser and Erica Neely helped me get the Luggage
to the room, then practiced their weasely wiles on me and
made me sit on my bed to talk to them.
I didn't get back to the filk Friday night.
I slept instead. dammit. I probably fell over like the Colossus
of Rhodes did when it got hamstrung.
I woke up at 8am on Saturday morning, just in
time to shower and clean up to meet with Steve and Dorotha
Biernesser and their boys for breakfast. We found a busy cafe
at the Reading marketplace; and had a good time over pancakes,
syrup, and sausage.
We spent a couple hours together, then Steve
and Dorotha took off for programming. I went to find the Art
show and Dealer's room.
I went to the Art show at about 10:30, got a
good look at everything, then wandered into the dealer's room.
wow. Lotsa stuff to spend money on. Tempting... but I passed.
I made a point of getting over to the filk room
for a REAL special treat. Peter Blood and Annie Patterson
gave a concert! (WHO? you ask...) These are the folks
responsible for providing us with Rise
Up Singing (in certain circles, simply referred to
as "The Hymnal"). This was their first SF con;
and their first direct contact with Filkers. They were very
suprised at how well we knew Stan Rogers; and we had to sing 'Old Time Religion'.
I was able to cadge a moment with Annie afterwards;
she was very interested to hear about the natural environment
of filkers (bardic vs chaos circles, where/when we hang
out, what gets performed, etc). Hope to see them again
some time; they're *very* good! :)
And the next thing I remember is meeting back
up with Steve Biernesser, and he and I went out for a late
lunch at the Corner Cafe across the street at 3pm.
I made it into the filk room at about 4:15,
and general chaos was ensuing getting ready for the recording.
At 4:30 (when we were supposed to start) things looked a bit
thin, but there was a line signing the contract book (before
the fact! wow!); and Melissa Glasser was doing a wonderful job displaying the WorlDream
Quilt and selling tshirts for me.
I concentrated on tuning, and working with Scott
Dorsey figuring out where people should stand for the best
effect; placing my chair, and general hustle and bustle greeting
friends, fast hugs, not enoughtimetotalktoeveryonebutdamniwannaspendtime...
Then I looked up. There were a lot of
people here. whoah.
Old faces. New faces. Folks who've done this
crazy dream more than three times. People who aren't quite
sure what we're up to; but they want to be here. Old friends
I never expected to see here. New friends I've made through
the year.
Since it was a very dead room (lotsa carpet,
and softstuff in the ceiling to stop sound) we warmed up a
bit, then took a breath together.
And then we Sang.
As others have said- the song itself is nice; but not particularly memorable. The tune is nice-
the words carry some meaning. The harmonies drift in and out
of being locked; but it all is nothing compared to
the mass realization that hundreds of people have raised their
voices in Song, and in celebration of community. Our community.
Your community.
Community. Common Unity.
We belong together...
Many hearts, One Voice.
Strangers no more, we sing... and sing and
sing and sing.
The Pegasus Awards concert was a perfect cap
to the recording. We got to hear Gary McGath, Frank Parker,
Mark Mandel, the Three Weird Sisters, Bill Sutton, Erica Neely,
Gary Ehrlich, Dave Wiengart, Terence Chua, Matt Leger, Jordin
Kare, Leslie Fish, and a couple others I know I'm forgetting
in my stream of consciousness... The concert was wonderful,
and gave many folks a good idea what was up for awards this
After the concert, I went out for chinese with
Daniel and Melissa Glasser and Terence Chua. Which, according
to Terence, was suprisingly good chinese for America... :)
We were supposed to have Gwen Knighton (of 3WS)
with us as well, but we missed meeting her. *sigh*
After dinner, we went up to my room and I packed
away all the excess baggage. Daniel works in Ann Arbor
fairly frequently, and stays with me when he does. So, all
my Luggage (except for one small bag and a guitar) went back
to Daniel and Melissa's room to make their way home to me
overland. Have I mentioned before that Daniel and Melissa
are just plain wonderful folks?
We went back to the conference center, and went
looking for a filk room to hang out in. I stuck my head into
a room; just as Bill Sutton was halfway through the first
verse of When I Was A Boy... so, I had to help him
finish it *grin*. After that, we made our way to the
Ose Room; and I ended up hanging out there and filking all
night. Filking all night with Bill and Gretchen Roper, Dorotha
Biernesser, Daniel and Melissa Glasser, Erica Neely, the Three
Weird Sisters, Lee and Barry Gold, Harold Feld, and others.
ALL night. :) Until about 5am. When I went to
get on the subway and head to the airport for my 7am flight
back to Chicago to be with Alyse for her birthday. (Only
I discovered after I got to the airport that my "7am"
flight was actually a "10am" flight... *sigh* Sleep
deprivation does such wonderful things to a guy...).
Yep- another night of no sleep. :) And I loved
Every Single Second Of It!