Second-Hand Songs

©1998 by Jonathan Turner

I first heard Jonathan play this at a house sing in southern Maine in 1998. Then, as now, I was just as impressed with that singer as the song.

Scanning stations on the radio
I hear what's hip and what's new
I don't pay too much attention
You're not expecting me to
You're not meant to listen
You are just meant to hear
Just get into the beat
Just keep tapping your feet
Then forget it next year.

I sing second-hand songs
Tunes polished by time
The lyrics aren't fancy
And they don't always rhyme
The chords are all simple
The voice may not be strong
But I've learned joy and grief
Love and sorrow and peace
From the second-hand songs

There are songs you can't dance to
Songs that haven't got drums
Songs that last seven minutes
Songs that every child hums
There are songs where you listen
Not just lie back to hear
There are songs for the singing
Voices all ringing
With laughter and tears


So we gather 'round campfires
And in living rooms, too
And we don't quit our day jobs
We're not hip and not new
We don't expect to be famous
We know we can't right all wrongs
But if we touch some hearts
Then we're doing our part
With the second hand songs



Last updated 3/12/01 / Steve Macdonald