FilKONtario 2001
FKO ran by so fast this year, that I didn't really take any
notes. I was sure that I'd remember every detail; and make
the time to sit and write the report RIGHT after the con.
So, I'll do the best I can.
This was FilKONtario 11. 10 years ago, there was this small
teeny convention started in the wilds of Canada. Bill and
Brenda Sutton were asked to be the Guests of Honor. It went
over so well; they were told that they would be asked back
every decade that the con lasted.
Bill and Brenda didn't believe them.
And here they were- Guests of Honor once again. :)
The InterFilk Guest was Erica Neely, recently re-patriated
to the US after an extended school engagement in England.
And the Filk Waif (other cons call it a Toastmaster. Waif
is more appropriate- you WORK when you're the Toastmaster...) was Steve Simmons.
I can't describe what a wonderful, warm, close, and friendly
convention this is. They sponsor the Filk
Hall of Fame- and support music in their local community
in many ways.
This year's Hall of Fame recipients were Gordon Dickson,
Gytha North, and Bill & Brenda Sutton. Please check out
the Hall of Fame page- the reason these fine people deserve
to be in the Hall is there.
A very beloved member of the community, Lloyd Landa, passed
away last year. A memoriam was placed in Israel in his memory;
the funds were contributed by the many friends and fans Lloyd
had in the filk community. Lloyd's partner, Karen Linsley
was there to accept the memoriam on Lloyd's behalf. He is
dearly missed.
My ex-wife Susan and son Luke were at the convention as well;
and participated in the WorlDream recording. This is the first
time Susan and I have attended a filk convention at the same
time since the divorce. I feel that it's a testament to the
atmosphere of the convention and the community in general
that Susan feels welcomed and loved here.
Luke had so much fun that he stayed with me after the con.
Susan had to leave Sunday afternoon, and he couldn't bear
to leave that soon!
Random memories:
The look on Karen Linsley's face after the WorlDream recording.
Thank you, Karen- I'll treasure this memory all my days.
Bill Sutton and I breaking up Erica Neely in her concert
with the Murder Hand Jive. We had a conga line going...
Susan's face during the WorlDream recording. We'll make it.
Participating in my first Dorsai Filk as a member of the Dorsai Irregulars.
WorlDream Recording
wow. I really don't have the words. This was the largest
turnout of any of the recording sessions to date. Fully a third of the folks there had done
the recording at least once before.
The *wall* of sound that hit... the power of voice... the
unity... if you were there you know what I'm talking about,
and that there really aren't words for it. If you weren't
there; it's not really that describable, I'm sorry.
However, I urge you to feel this. We'll be having the final
sessions in the US at Worldcon and OVFF; sessions are also
scheduled at HarmUni in England and FilkCONtinental in Germany.
We'll look for you there.
You *are* welcome here.