Conterpoint 2001
This was TravelInsanityCon, version 1. (Version 2 came in August...) Let me explain.
When I made the flight arrangements for this
convention, I had every intention on successfully completing
a jobsearch in Chicago; quitting my job, and relocating.
That hasn't happened yet.
But the plane for Maryland left from Chicago.
I live in Ann Arbor- near Detroit. Oh- yes, the flight had
a connector... in Detroit.(bounce, bounce) So- I took a train
from Ann Arbor to Chicago to catch my flight to Maryland.
I figured that I'd just get off the plane in Detroit on the
way back, thereby saving another train ticket to get me back
from Chicago.
Right. *sigh* Was not to be.
Because I got transferred to a new department
at work the week before the convention; so I stayed over
on Monday to travel the 30 minutes to the home office to meet
the new boss.
Which changed my flight arrangements; so I flew
*back* to Chicago, and took a train home that same night.
In other words, I left the hotel at 8am, and
got home at midnight. *glub*
But you're not here to talk about my travel
arrangements. You're here to read about the convention. And
I'm just sitting here wasting time, cuz I didn't take any
notes; and I'm finally trying to put up a
I arrived at the airport Friday afternoon, and
was picked up by Gary Ehrlich. We also picked up the InterFilk
Guest, 'Downtown' Freddy Brown and his partner; and drove
to the con.
Check in was uneventful. It must have been.
I know I checked in. I had a room. But I don't remember checking
in. Therefore, it was uneventful. This is a Good Thing(tm)
in a hotel.
Alyse came to this con with me; it was nice
to be able to give people a face to go with the name of the
woman who has made me so happy over the last couple years.
The FilkHaven Concert Series was
on Friday night. Frank Parker and his partner Larissa, Daniel
and Melissa Glasser, and Gwen Knighton each had a half hour
Dave Weingart also had a concert set, accompanied
at various times by Merav Hoffman and Erica Neely.
The Toastmaster was H. Paul Schuch, otherwise
known as Dr. Seti. He did a set of space awareness songs.
Freddy did his usual excellent job. This was
his first trip out of Canada; I hope it won't be his last.
He knows how to entertain an audience!
Pete and Jill Grubbs and their son Cecil were
also in attendance. Jill, Cecil, Alyse and I hung out at the
pool together on Sunday afternoon.
The Saturday night filk was extremely crowded.
So crowded, in fact, that Gwen Knighton, Frank Parker, Daniel
and Melissa Glasser, Merav Hoffman, Alyse, and I all trooped
off to the dealer's room to have our own FilkHaven filk. We
kept it up until the VERY wee hours of the morning.
If you think that this reads like a stream-of-consciousness
post, well; you're right.
Erica Neely and I also had concerts- Erica did
her usual *great* job. And I was a good boy and didn't do the Murder Hand Jive.
It was a fun InterFilk auction- I auctioned
myself... well; a half hour private concert. :) Things were
going altogether too peacefully; so Erica and I zipped the
auction up a bit for it.
The songwriting contest was "The Future
Ain't What It Used To Be". I wrote a song that day
for the contest- 'Smithsonian
Tech'. Dave Weingart and Darren Zieger then played.
And that was how the contest went- 3-2-1. Darren's song (First
place) was BRILLIANT!! Dave's song (Second place) was GREAT!
Mine will only merely be on my next album...
WorlDream memories
We had our first (to my knowledge) blind participants.
One of them put the song into braille so that she could follow
along and sing.
We turned the room 90 degrees- so the chorus
was wide rather than deep. I think that this helped the recording.
It just keeps getting better and better! I'm
boggled by the fact that we have nearly 300 people on this
project now! And all, all are connected around the world.
You are welcome here.